Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Major markets attract bulk residential investors

            National investment groups have continued their appetites for distressed and entry level homes across the country, with the resulting mixed blessing for the housing market.
            But  investor housing capital also appears to be shifting among markets across the country as prices rise in previously hard hit regions.
            In the Seattle area, three large investment buyers have acquired nearly 2,000 homes in the three county Seattle metro area in 2013, according to a report in the Seattle Times based on statistics from RealtyTrac which provides information on distressed properties nationwide.  
Most activity in the greater Seattle area has been in suburban King County towns and in Snohomish County to the north and Pierce County (Tacoma) to the south according to RealtyTrac.
The three largest investors in the Seattle bulk buying trend are Invitation Homes, a subsidiary of The  Blackstone Group, which purchased 1,585 homes in 2013; Premium Partners of New York, 272 homes; and American Homes 4 Rent of the Los Angeles area, 188 homes.
Blackstone has reportedly spent nearly $8 billion on 43,000 single family homes, while the total acquistions of investment groups nationwide in the past two years has reached $20 billion in the purchase of 130,000 homes.
On the positive side, investor purchases have served to reduce the overhang of distressed properties in the real estate market. But the acquisitions also tend to remove from the market homes in price ranges accessible to entry-level buyers.
Many of the purchased homes also flood the rental market, which can have the effect of changing the character of mostly owner-occupied neighborhoods when multiple tenants occupy a single property.