Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Buzz: Wild about "Wild" filmed near Bend

            Central Oregon and other areas of the state are in for a new wave of attention thanks to the pre-holiday  release in theaters of the new film, Wild.
            Early positive reviews praise the performance of Reese Witherspoon, who stepped in with her indepedent production company and bought the rights to the book by Portland author Cheryl Strayed.
            The story is based on Strayed’s account of her 1,100 mile trek on the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) with her life at a low point after a trail of bad decisions, divorce and the death of her mother.
"Wild" as featured on opening page of PCT web site
            Among the publicity for the movie  is a Dec. 5  New York Times feature by Bend resident Tim Neville who visited some of the Oregon locations for the filming.  He points out that all but seven of the locations were filmed in Oregon and only two of those on the PCT.
            The locations are stand-ins, so to speak, for actual sites along Strayed’s PCT adventure.
            One of the most recognizable locations is Smith Rock State Park, which was used as a backdrop still photo of Witherspoon in the movie’s promotion trailer. The crew set up at  the Ranch at the Canyons gated residential estate working ranch in Terrebonne for that filming.
"The Postman" star Kevin Costner at Smith Rock
The PCT trail overview
           The imposing scenery around Smith Rock has also been in other movies including Swordfish, The Postman and Even Cowgirls Get the Blues.
            Other Bend-area locations for Wild  include Paulina Lake Lodge, the Alfalfa Store, and Oregon Badlands Wilderness.  Scenes also were filmed around Crater Lake, Ashland, the Timberline Ski Bowl area and Portland.
            The film is expected to substantially increase hiking and visits to points along the 2,650 mile PCT that begins at the Mexican border and ends in Canada.