Friday, June 12, 2015

A victory for OSU-Cascades 4-Year Campus...But appeal may be in works

The quest to build a new campus for the OSU-Cascades 4-year university has passed another hurdle thrown up by litigation from a group of mostly Bend  west side residents who would prefer a site away from their neighborhood.
In a decision announced June 9, the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) essentially sided with OSU and Bend city officials in the latter’s approval of the first phase 10-acre site for the new campus.
The decision quickly elicited published comments from a leader of an opposition group, Truth in Site,  that had appealed the city’s approval.
As reported by several media, the group spokesman said it would take the next step and file an appeal of the LUBA decision to the Oregon Court of Appeals, and continue on to the state Supreme Court if necessary.
The group is  asking for dontations to continue fighting the preferred location to the west of NW Century Drive and NW Chandler Avenue.
One published report said Truth in Site needs $27,000 to continue their litigation.
            The group is soliciting donations through it’s web site with the statement that “...100% of the donations received are used to pay for the mounting legal fees incurred as we fight for a university to be built in the best location for all (as underlined) of Central Oregon.
Truth in Site’s web site includes the tag line “For OSU Cascades/Against the Westside Site.”
            The LUBA decision could be appealed by June 29, at which time the Court of Appeals would have 49 days to render its ruling. Either party could then appeal a decision to the state Supreme Court.
            Truth in Site’s continued opposition has led to formation of another citizen group, Now for Bend,  in support of the selected campus site. It includes a broad crosssection of civic and business leaders.
Among the “coalition members” listed on Now for Bend’s website are the Bend Chamber of Commerce, Deschutes County Commission, Economic Development of Central Oregon, Bend Memorial Clinic, Brooks Resources,  Deschutes Brewing, Mt. Bachelor ski area, Old Mill District and Bank of the Cascades.
            LUBA came down in favor of the university and city by deciding the city followed it’s existing development code in not requiring the university to submit a master plan to also include an additional 46-acre site that it is studying for additional campus development. 
            LUBA sided with the city and unversity’s contention that no master plan including the additional acreage was required since university had not purchased the property, although it has conducted geological and other studies of the former pumice mine and has a purchase option agreement with the current owners.