Monday, August 24, 2015

Gauging Bend real estate by price segments

       Anyone looking for a dramatic change in the trajectory of Bend real estate will not find many surprises in the statistics through the third quarter of 2015.
            Essentially, it’s more of the same trends--upward price migration and continued tight inventory in the lower price ranges even with brisk activity in new home construction.
            Some bullet points-for Bend single family sales on all lots/acreage sizes:
·        Unit sales up 11.90%
·        Median prices up 14.50% from $292,500 to $334,900
·        Dramatic drop of 74% in sales of $100,000 to $199,999
·        Substantial rise of 54% in sales in the $300,000 to $399,999 range.

     For homes sales on lots under an acre:
·        Unit sales up 10.68&
·        Median prices up 15.04% from $279,900 to $321,900
·        As in larger lot size sales a large drop of 75% in $100,000-$199,000 sales
·        A rise of nearly 54% in sales from $300,000 to $399,999.

      Looking at other price ranges, a notable item is the increase in unit sales
from $500,000 to $599,000 of more than 60% on homes on all acreage and nearly 53% on lots less than an acre. At the same time there were only modest increases in the $400,000 to $499,000 price range.
            Refer to the table below for a complete picture of Bend sales in $100,000 price segments. Also the chart below shows the rise and fall of residential sales at $1 million or more in all of Central Oregon from the "pre-bubble" year of 2005 to the peak in 2006. The number of sales in that category are edging upward but still a small part of regional activity.