Friday, August 26, 2016

Is Bend knocking on the urban growth expansion goal line?

            With Fall on the horizon is it time to dust off football buzzwords and ask if Bend could be in the "redzone" with the city’s much-delayed and expensive attempt to gain state approval of a new Urban Growth Boundary and plan?
            On August 25 the city and Deschutes County held a nearly all-day joint session to hear public comments on the almost final plan that has been years in the works since the state Land Conservation and Development Commission bounced an earlier effort back “on remand.”
            That decision by LCDC, the agency in charge of overseeing state-mandated growth management under SB 100 passed in the 1970s, essentially determined that rather than growing outward Bend must plan for higher density with its current boundary. Part of that effort should be building on as-yet undeveloped “infill” land.
            For some residents, higher density runs contrary to what they consider Bend’s charm as a smaller urban center with elbow room, characteristics that in some cases have attracted urban refugees and retirees who have fueled the real estate market.
            However with a population that has boomed from about 20,000 in the late 1980s to an estimated nearly 85,000 in 2016, the municipal hub of Central Oregon may already outrun the “small-town” niche.
            As summarized in a staff report the current UGB proposal calls for expansion of about 2,300 acres, compared with the 8,900 acres proposed in 2009. LCDC returned that plan in late 2010, thereby triggering a multi-year effort which the city estimates has cost nearly more than $2 million in planning and related expenses.
            Of the expanded city acreage, the staff report says 1,142 acres would be for new residential land, including schools and parks, 815 for development of employment sectors, 285 for public facilities and 138 in existing rights of way.
            A key feature of the UGB proposal would be development of areas that would integrate higher density residential, such as apartments and condos, with businesses. It would encourage apartments or condos above retail shops, as one example. This type of development has already gained some traction within the Bend downtown core.
            Looking out to 2028, the target date for the plan to be implemented, the city could conceivably gain about 17,000 new homes and 21,000 jobs, nearly three-fourths of those within the current urban boundary.
            As for the timing, assuming the plan is adjusted slightly in the near-term then submitted to the state, it may still be many months or even years before actual development of identified infill and expansion land begins. In many cases, development would require rezoning, new public and private infrastructure investment, permits and—not insignificant—favorable economic conditions.

Expansion areas identified in the 2016 UGB plan

Previous posts on Urban Growth Boundary